Jason Micallef

Jason Micallef

Jason Micallef huwa ċ-Chairman tal-Aġenzija Kulturali għall-Belt Valletta. Huwa stabbilixxa ruħu fis-settur tal-midja lokali minn età żgħira, u pproduċa programmi popolari tat-televiżjoni kulturali u soċjali tul snin twal fuq TVM,…

Catherine Tabone

Catherine Tabone

Catherine Tabone is the Chief Executive Officer of the Valletta Cultural Agency. A graduate of the Universities of Malta and Cambridge, over the years she occupied various managerial positions within…

Nicholas Micallef

Nicholas Micallef

Nicholas Micallef ilu jaħdem fis-settur kulturali għal dawn l-aħħar tliet snin. Bħalissa jokkupa l-kariga ta’ Kontrollur Finanzjarju fi ħdan l-Aġenzija Kulturali għall-Belt Valletta. Nicholas huwa Accountant Pubbliku Ċċertifikat u għandu…

Alison Bone

Alison Bone

Alison Bone is the Head of Operations at the Valletta Cultural Agency. For the past years she held a number of administrative roles, giving her a sound background in office…

Marouska Formosa

Marouska Formosa

Marouska Formosa has been working in the cultural sector for the past eight years. She currently holds the position of Head of HR Management within the Valletta Cultural Agency. Marouska…

Marc Buhagiar

Marc Buhagiar

Marc Buhagiar has been working in the cultural sector for the past five years and is currently the Head of Communications at the Valletta Cultural Agency. Previously, he worked as…

Jessica Muscat

Jessica Muscat

Jessica Muscat’s background is rooted in her passion for Art History, which blossomed over the past decade, particularly during her undergraduate Bachelor’s degree (B.A. Hons.), where she graduated with First…

Joanne Attard Mallia

Joanne Attard Mallia

Joanne Attard Mallia has been working in the fields of arts, culture and cultural heritage since 2003 on various topics ranging from site curation and management, conservation education, contemporary art…

Kevin J. Drake

Kevin J. Drake

Kevin J Drake m’għandu bżonn l-ebda introduzzjoni fis-setturi tal-arti, il-kultura, id-divertiment u l-midja f’Malta u għandu esperjenza ta’ aktar minn 40 sena. Edukatur, ġurnalist, xandar u professjonist fil-komunikazzjoni u l-PR,…