22nd June 2024



The exciting biennial event of the Valletta Pageant of the Seas returns to the Grand Harbour in the summer of 2024, with a grand show that has now become synonymous with the Valletta Cultural Agency. This year’s show, themed “Save the Sea”, features an animated narrative complemented by an original score, a water fountain and fireworks, sure to light up the Grand Harbour in typical Valletta Pageant of the Seas fashion!

The show will take place at the Grand Harbour on the Saturday 22nd June 2024 at 20:00 hours.

The Valletta Cultural Agency is inviting prospective economic operators to submit an application to express their interest in providing bar and snacks services to the audience on the nights as per the conditions hereunder.



Prospective applicants are to note that by submitting an application as specified below, they are confirming agreement to all the terms and conditions related to the Expression of Interest (EOI) for Snacks and Drinks during Valletta Pageant of the Seas which shall be held on the 22nd of June 2024.

Applicants should also note that Valletta Pageant of the seas will respect any restrictions published by the local Health Authorities on the organisation of public events.




  • Prospective applicants are to submit a duly filled in and endorsed Application Form including the provision of all requested details and documents.
  • Prospective applicants are to ensure that the contact name on the Application Form is that of the individual who, if successful, shall enter into an agreement with the Valletta Cultural Agency for the provision of bar and snacks services.
  • By submitting the Application Form, it is understood that the applicant has read and is in agreement with the terms and conditions of this Expression of Interest and affirms all Declarations. No conditions and alterations to the requirements listed in this document shall be introduced / imposed by the applicant on the Valletta Cultural Agency.
  • Multiple offers may be accepted as long as separate submissions are effected.
  • By submitting an application, prospective applicants shall be confirming that their submissions shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from the submission deadline.





Expression of Interest for participation opens on 13/05/2024
Clarification requests may be submitted via email by not later than 17/05/2024
Deadline for clarification responses as issued by the Valletta Cultural Agency 21/05/2024
Applications are to be submitted via email by not later than 28/05/2024



The deadline for Submission of applications is 28/05/2024  Applications are to be submitted via email to Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

The opening of applications will take place on   28/05/2024 An opening schedule shall be affixed on the notice board of the Valletta Cultural Agency in the sequence of how applications are received based on the time stamp on the email. Only the name(s) of the applicant(s) submitting an application in connection with the Expression of Interest for Snacks and Drinks shall be displayed. Prices shall not be listed in the opening schedule.





2.3.1       Application Form and Declaration


The Application Form and Declaration as listed in Annex 1 of this EOI document.


Should one or more of the listed requirements or fields be missing or incomplete, the submitted application shall be immediately disqualified and will not be considered further.


2.3.2       Other Documents Required

In addition to filling in the Application Form, the applicant is expected to provide the documentation requested in the Evaluation Grid listed in Article 2.4.2.

Prospective bidders are to take note of the Checklist as included in Annex 2 of this EOI document prior to the submission of the proposal in order to ensure that a full and complete submission shall be submitting in connection with this EOI. 

Note 1: Applicants are to submit the relevant documents in PDF format via email or file transfer links (e.g. Links to cloud storage systems such as Google Drive or One Drive will not be considered.




2.4.1       Selection Criteria

Each application will be treated in strict confidence by the evaluation committee. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to select and/or reject any or all the submitted applications at its discretion. Should none of the applicants be considered satisfactory, the Contracting Authority reserves the right to assign the designated stalls to other economic operators (who may not necessarily be involved in this Expression of Interest).

The Contracting Authority also reserves the right to put some applications on a reserve list and contact them at a later date. In this case, no alterations to the contents of the applications as submitted by the respective economic operator shall be entertained.

The contracts will be awarded to the applicants submitting offers which obtain the highest points in accordance with the Evaluation Grid, and which include all the requirements of this EOI document. Should more than one applicant obtain the same marks, the spaces would be awarded by the Valletta Cultural Agency on a first-come, first-served basis; being the time stamp of the email submitted containing the application form and related documents.



2.4.2       Evaluation Grid

Bidders to submit the following documentation as part of their submission. Points shall be allocated based on the criteria listed adjacent to the points. All criteria are mandatory and thus a response to each criterion is to be provided in order for the technical compliance of the submission.

Any information regarding third parties is to be greyed out in line with the GDPR
Criteria Maximum points: 100
1.     Alcoholic Drinks


a.     Provide a minimum of 4 different alcoholic drinks including pricelist




b.     Provide more than 4 different alcoholic drinks including pricelist  *If applicable, a valid liquor license needs to be provided at contract endorsement stage by the successful applicant(s). 

10 points




20 points

2.     Soft Drinks and Water 

a.     Provide a minimum of 4 different soft drinks and water including pricelist




b.     Provide more than 4 different soft drinks and water including pricelist


10 points




20 points

3.     Snacks 

a.     Provide a minimum of 4 different snacks including pricelist




b.     Provide more than 4 different snacks including pricelist



10 points




20 points

4.     Provide a declaration that the stall will be open throughout the event’s opening hours. 10 points Mandatory
5.     Confirm the use of staff uniform that complements a celebrated event consisting of black pants and shirt.  The Agency encourages the use of suspenders or bow ties for all staff attending the stall to complement the event but it is not mandatory. Maximum of 20 points

(points shall be allocated based on artistic merit)

6.     Provide dimensions of stalls (L x W in metres) 10 points Mandatory


Pass mark:       60

Total marks:    100






  • If applicable, prospective bidders are to submit a detailed list of products such as;
    1. Number of alcoholic beverages, if any, including price list.
    2. Number of non-alcoholic beverages, if any, including price list.


A minimum of four different beverages is to be provided.

  • If applicable, prospective bidders are to submit a detailed list of savoury products, if any, including price list


A minimum choice of 4 savoury products is to be provided.

  • Applications without any indication of product prices will be immediately disqualified.
  • A list of prices for each item on sale must be displayed in a prominent area where the public can easily review. Prices are to be in compliance with local regulations.
  • The applicant must comply with the Valletta Cultural Agency Event Sustainability Policy accessible from:
  • The selected economic operator shall retain ALL PROFITS generated from sales. No financial compensation shall be requested by the Contracting Authority for the provision of this service.


3.2 | FEES

No applications fees are required.



  • The setting up of equipment will commence four hours before the event. The precise timetable for setup will be communicated by the Valletta Cultural Agency one week prior to the commencement of the event.
  • The selected economic operator shall set up in the designated spaces as specified in the presence of the organizers and must not exceed the boundaries of these spaces.
  • The setting up of equipment must be done between 16:00 and 18:00.
  • The equipment must be dismantled immediately after the event has ended on the 22nd June 2024 at 23:59 hrs.
  • The selected economic operator shall provide his/her own equipment including canopies, fridges and draught units lighting, at his/her own expense. Electricity supply will be provided by the Agency for the operation.
  • The selected economic operator shall provide his/her own bins to use for the waste generated during service. This waste is within the responsibility of the applicant and shall be taken care of as needed. The selected economic operator shall provide recycling bins as well as bins for general waste. Any type of waste is to be collected and disposed of by the economic operator in accordance with local environmental regulations. It is the responsibility of the selected economic operator to ensure proper clean-up procedures are implemented; no solid or liquid wastes are to be left on site or disposed of in the space.
  • The Agency will provide 1 (one) security officer on a 24-hour basis on the premises. However, the selected economic operator is to understand that should he/she leave any equipment on site, this shall be done at his/her own risk and that the Agency is not responsible for such equipment nor be involved in any related dispute. Therefore, it is recommended that the selected economic operator possesses adequate insurance coverage to cater for any loss, damage or theft of equipment which is valid throughout the entire duration of the contract; a copy of which may be requested at contract implementation stage. The Valletta Cultural Agency shall not be held liable or be involved in any dispute or litigation related to the loss, damage or theft of any equipment left unattended by the selected economic operator(s) onsite.



  • The selected economic operator shall conform to local Health and Safety regulations, the regulations and legislation of the Maltese catering industry, any licenses and permits necessary to be eligible to sell/trade and the VAT Department. All snacks and drinks for sale must conform to the local sanitary regulations set by authorities and the applicant must have all the necessary licenses and permits so as to sell the product. Such permits may be requested at any time by the Contracting Authority.
  • The selected economic operator shall be in possession of a valid Food Handlers Certificate.
  • All those serving / handling snacks and drinks shall wear the necessary protective clothing, disposable gloves and any other form of protective hygienic gear. Compliance to local health regulations is a must.
  • The selected economic operator selling alcohol must be in possession of a valid Licence for selling alcohol. A copy of this licence shall be submitted to the Valletta Cultural Agency upon contract endorsement. All necessary legal requirements are the responsibility of the applicant. The Contracting Authority will not be liable for any action or fines incurred by the chosen applicant as a result of non-compliance with local regulations.
  • The selected economic operator(s) shall have all the necessary insurance policies including public liability; which covers any form of risks including damage, loss, bodily harm, death in relation to third parties. The Contracting Authority shall not be involved in any legal dispute as result of the economic operator(s)’ operations in connection with event. A copy of a valid public liability insurance policy shall be submitted to the Contracting Authority upon contract endorsement. If the selected economic operator(s) is caught breaking any of the Health and Safety as published by the Health Authorities, he/she may be requested by the Contracting Authority and/or other competent local authorities to close the stall and discontinue the sales with immediate effect. The economic operator(s) will not be entitled to any compensation and shall be liable to settle any fines incurred by the competent local authorities. Any fines incurred or Court proceedings resulting from such actions shall be entirely borne by / be the responsibility of the economic operator(s). In addition, any request for reimbursement of Schedule A and Schedule B fees shall not be entertained.
  • All Maltese Laws relevant to the activity are to be observed in their entirety by the selected economic operator(s).
  • The Agency will not be held liable for any action or fines incurred by the successful economic operator(s) as a result of non-compliance with local regulations.



Annex 1: Application Form and Declaration






ID Card Number  
Mobile Number  
Email Address  
VAT Number  
Name of Company (if applicable)  
Company Number (if applicable)  




I/we hereby agree to all of the terms and conditions stipulated in the Expression of Interest for the Provision of Snacks and Drinks during Valletta Pageant of the Seas as listed in this document.

I/we hereby declare that I do not fall under any of the grounds listed under Part VI of LN352/2016 – Exclusion Grounds.

I/we declare that no subcontracting in connection with this Expression of Interest shall take place unless prior written consent of the Contracting Authority is obtained. I/we shall be solely responsible for the execution of the contract and for the delivery of service as requested by the Contracting Authority in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Expression of Interest. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to request additional documentation and justification for subcontracting requests and may at its discretion accept or reject such requests.

I/we shall not assign this contract or any part of the operation / delivery of service pertaining to this Expression of interest without prior written consent of the Contracting Authority. An assignment is understood to mean any agreement by which the Contractor transfers its contract or part thereof to a third party. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to request additional documentation and justification for assignment requests and may at its discretion accept or reject such requests.

I/we declare that all information and documentation submitted as part of this Expression of Interest are true and correct. The application shall be declared null if after any information provided is incorrect, falsified and not verified. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to instigate legal proceedings against the applicant in case of submission of false declarations and documentation.

I/we declare to submit the application form, checklist, list of items to be sold, price lists as well as any documentation as requested in this Expression of Interest at submission stage.


Name and Surname of Applicant (block letters)    
Signature of Applicant   Date



Annex 2: Checklist





The applicant confirms that he/she has submitted the following as part of the application form:
‹     Application Form and Declaration

‹     Documents as per Evaluation Grid

‹     This Checklist











