start date December 19, 2024
map icon Strada Stretta, il-Belt Valletta

Holidays Rock!

97 Notes,Strada Stretta, il-Belt Valletta

Holidays Rock!

Holidays Rock!

Il-kitarrist u kompożitur David Cassar Torreggiani, flimkien ma’ uħud mill-aqwa mużiċisti Maltin u firxa ta’ artisti mistiedna, jagħmel interpretazzjonijiet dinamiċi ta’ kanzunetti klassiċi tal-Milied waqt Holidays Rock!, prestazzjoni li ddaħħal lil kulħadd fl-ispirtu tal-festi permezz ta’ bosta siltiet magħrufa u wħud mill-aqwa melodiji klassiċi Rock.

Event Spaker:

Led by the award-winning author of 100 Conversations for Career Success, and CEO of the career management firm.

Executive XpeedStudio LLC

Sr. Engineer XpeedStudio LLC

Product Lead XpeedStudio LLC

Venue Direction:

From the moment you embark on a job search, you are inundated with “do this, do that,” by well-intentioned friends and colleagues. But, all of those random

360° Live Tour:

From the moment you embark on a job search, you are inundated with “do this, do that,” by well-intentioned friends and colleagues. But, all of those random

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