start date February 22, 2025
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Introduction to Pure Data with Beluga Corp

Studio 1, Valletta Design Cluster

Introduction to Pure Data with Beluga Corp

Ingħaqad ma’ Dr. Christian Heinrichs, espert tal-awdjo proċedurali, għal introduzzjoni prattika għal Puredata fil-Valletta Design Cluster. Tgħallem il-bażi tal-ipprogrammar magħruf bħala dataflow, oħloq funzjonijiet aritmetiċi, ipproċessa l-MIDI, u ġġenera l-awdjo. Skopri kif Heinrichs ħoloq esperjenzi ġodda onlajn bħall-[adult swim] Choir u Stretchy Morty fost ħafna strumenti u mudelli oħra tal-ħoss.

Il-postijiet huma limitati. Irreġistra llum biex tingħaqad magħna!

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From the moment you embark on a job search, you are inundated with “do this, do that,” by well-intentioned friends and colleagues. But, all of those random

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